Monday April 22, 2024
Instructor: Rafael Kouto
Cost: CHF 120 (including material)
For adults, basic sewing experience beneficial
Max. number of participants: 10
Upcycling refers to the process of giving something that is no longer in use a second life and a new function. In this way, the finished product often becomes more practical, valuable and beautiful than its previous incarnation.
In this workshop, participants not only practise upcycling processes – like turning fabric scraps and a zipper into an accessory of the current collection.
You can choose between the laptop bag "Cascade" or the "Flood Pillow".
To create the laptop-bag, it is best to bring an old shirt of your own to kombine.
Rafael Kouto also provides insights into his current fall collection, "A Drop of Sunshine", which was created in collaboration with BERNINA and merges the aesthetic of the designer's two worlds: Africa and Europe. The collection is open source (all pieces in the collection are available as patterns for your own sewing projects) and was designed according to ethical principles. There are extra workshop series surrounding the collection here.
We will work exclusively with sustainable fabrics, including recycled wool, hand-woven fabrics from the "Ethical Fashion Initiative" in Burkina Faso, and deadstock materials.e.
Its also possible to bring and work with own material, textile waste or sorted out fashions.
Rafael Kouto is a brand that aims to move the textile industry towards environmental sustainability while increasing access to high quality, creative and affordable fashion that stands out and hits the zeitgeist. Rafael trained in Basel and Amsterdam, worked at several high fashion brands and was awarded manifoldly, for instance with the prestigious Swiss Design Award this year.
Follow Rafael Kouto on Instagram: @rafaelkouto
Follow BERNINA on Instagram: @berninaschweiz
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